Generative text AI tools, such as ChatGPT, have recently garnered significant attention due to its ability to provide comprehensive responses and eloquent answers across many domains of knowledge. Whilst it represents a significant technological advancement, it has been met with both positive and negative reviews. Elon Musk wrote that “ChatGPT is scary good”. It has also received widespread criticism particularly around efficacy and integrity from educators, academics and journalists plus many more.
But how should we embrace these tools? Professor Michael Bryant asks ChatGPT ‘What are the current research challenges in biotribology?’
Biotribology is the study of friction, wear, and lubrication of biological systems, including joints, implants, and prosthetics. Some of the current research challenges in biotribology include:
1. Understanding the complex interactions between biological tissues and synthetic materials: One of the major challenges in biotribology is to understand the complex interactions between biological tissues and synthetic materials used in implants and prosthetics. This requires a deep understanding of the mechanical, chemical, and biological properties of both the biological tissues and the synthetic materials.
2. Developing advanced testing methods: Biomechanical testing of biological tissues is challenging due to their complex nature. Developing advanced testing methods that can accurately measure friction, wear, and lubrication in biological systems is a critical research challenge.
3. Designing and developing better implant materials: Developing new materials and coatings for implants that can better mimic the natural properties of biological tissues is another important research challenge. This can help improve the biocompatibility, durability, and longevity of implants.
4. Improving lubrication of joint replacements: The lubrication of joint replacements is a critical factor in their performance and longevity. Developing better lubrication strategies and materials is a key research challenge in biotribology.
5. Studying the effects of aging and disease: Aging and disease can significantly impact the friction, wear, and lubrication of biological systems. Studying the effects of aging and disease on biotribology can provide valuable insights into the development of better treatments and therapies for patients.
It is a good job BioTrib is working across all of these domains to address the current research challenges highlighted by ChatGPT. What will be interesting to see is how these changes with time as the field advances. Certainly some of these challenges have been of focus to researchers for many a year.
This article was written by ChatGPT and BioTrib Lead Scientist, Professor Michael Bryant.